Well I guess it's my turn to host a hot luck here in Sunny Sheboygan, Wisconsin (Home of the Bratwurst hat... it's like a cheese head but is a giant foam hard roll with 2 foam brats). I've narrowed it down to either Saturday, June 24th or Saturday, July 1st, 2000. Anyone interested? If so, which weekend would you prefer? I'm on vacation the week in between so either is fine with me. It will be held at my house and although there's not a huge backyard there will be plenty of room for grilling, drinking, and macho posturing for the neighbors ;) Anyone interested, let me know. If not, it'll have to die a painful death before having the opportunity to blossom into the event it could have been. I'll have to sit all alone in the dark, a fistful of chips in one hand, a bottle of Backdraft in the other, drowning my sorrows. On a slightly different note, anyone who is having a Hotluck this year is welcome to send me the information, including directions and I'll put together a web page on the Chilehead Rogues Gallery site. That would be as good a place as any to list upcoming events, monumentous occasions, and other CH gatherings. Thanks for your time and patience, Jeff "The Pepper Man"