[CH] Today's Bread Experiment

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:30:50 -0500

I know nothing is as hot as THE BREAD but this is really tasty and not
necessarily a really spicy loaf. I did cut the Calvin's by a bit when I
made it but I used the original amount in the recipe seen here. The
bread came out fantastic. Really tasty.

                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                  Ancho-Cheese Bread (adapted) - 1.5 lb

Recipe By     : adapted by RisaG
Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Bread / Abm                      Bread, Chile Peppers

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      cup           lukewarm water
   1      tsp           sea salt
   2      tbsp          butter -- melted
   3      cups          Better for Bread flour
   2      tbsp          granulated sugar
   2      tbsp          buttermilk powder
   2      whole         dried ancho chile peppers -- ground to powder
   1      tsp           Calvin's Magic Powder -- * see note
   1 1/2  tsp           breadmachine yeast -- such as SAF
   2	  tsp		bread enhancer (omit if you don't have)
                        AT BEEPS:
   1      cup           provolone cheese -- diced

Put ingredients in machine according to manufacturer directions. Set
machine for white bread cycle & light crust. At beeps or a few seconds
after, add cheese. 

Risa's notes: Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature (except
cheese). Remove stems & seeds from ancho chiles and pulverize in coffee
grinder (or similar). 

Original recipe from: http://www.enter.net/~bvdrangs/recipes.html

                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

NOTES : * Calvins Magic Powder is an extremely hot chile powder mixture
concocted by Calvin of the Chile-Heads list. If have no way of getting
this specific mixture or don't like extremely hot chiles, either omit or
use a milder chile powder (but make sure it is a pure chile powder, not
a mixture from the supermarket).