Kristofer Blennow asked when a fermented sauce would be done so he could avoid heat processing and still not have to worry about bottles blowing up. In general, fermentations start slow, gather speed and then attenuate as the organisms consume most of the fermentables. It is easy to tell with a kim-chee or with a beer because of the rapid evolution of gas during the third or fourth day. By the fifth or sixth day the slowing down is obvious, though in the case of beer, the gas-formation potential is still rather large. Pepper fermentations follow the same course, but they are a lot slower and it is much harder to tell when they have reached an attenuation point. It may take several weeks to get there. The one thing about them is that they are slow enough, I imagine by the end of several weeks, the gas formation potential would not be enough to blow up a bottle. It might spurt a bit upon opening if bottled a week too soon. George