RE: [CH] Bell peppers

Andrew Healy (
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:23:55 +0000

>> While a healthy debate is raging, about Bell Peppers, I would
>> suggest that
>> soaking two TABLESPOONS of black peppercorns (heaped)- either whole or
>> crushed- in a half pint of boiling [but unheated] water
>> overnight (then the
>> swollen corns are removed- they are tasty too.) makes a powerful
>> peppery/capsaicin stock.  Use it with a stir fry etc- try it;
>I'd like to try it.
>But 2 questions 1) How do you boil unheated water?  In a vacuum?

OK, you sarky b's- pre-boiled water without heat underneatth.

>And 2) (my real question)  Is black pepper capsaicin based?  I thought
>only the New World chiles had capsaicin?

I have no idea, but, they are both 'peppers' and the mix tastes great.

"A battle is only ever lost by fighting" <Tsung Tzu>

"I can resist anything, but, temptation" <Oscar Wilde>

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy