It's been a balmy 72F here today with lots of sunshine and variable winds. The few days prior to this one we had winds up to 60 mph gusting through. Expecting 51F tonight, brrrr. Picked a few tomatoes off an unnamed volunteer, bunches of chiles, a couple of cucumbers, and the basil is ready to harvest again. I have 12 basil plants and have harvested about 2 bushels of leaves this summer. Mammouth basil from Johnny's was a good selection. Had to work almost six hours today and I'm not used to that. Like the extra money but like my semi-retirement in smaller doses. Miz Anne is still in Houston, out at the Ready Room with the kids for a night of blues and booze. Last night they went to a new Thai restaurant over in the Alabama street area and then bragged about it to me. I swear I'm gonna take a vacation soon, it's been six years. Fall garden is "shoosting" up to the sky with fava and green beans, lettuce, chard, kale, cabbage, carrots, radishes, beets, cukes, broccoli, and tomatoes. Yard needs mowing but I don't have time at the moment. Did get the blueberries pruned and am waiting for the leaves to drop off the hydrangeas to prune them. Mayhaw trees need shaping up again and I need to get my fruit tree and grape vine order off to Stark Bros. Light setup is ready to rock and roll and I've got the seed trays handy. Life is good but I am tired. George