Re: [gardeners] Great Garden Mistakes

Margaret Lauterbach (
Sun, 28 Dec 1997 12:28:46 -0700

At 11:31 AM 12/28/97 +0000, Liz Albrook wrote:
>Wow, am I glad this subject came up here because no way I could post 
>this on that other list.
>I've only made one serious gardening mistake in my life.  The reason 
>is that I compulsively read and investigate everything before I do 
>it, including everything about plants, soil, etc.  I've made several 
>minor mistakes but no biggies except this one.
>What was the one mistake -- I listened to that gardening guru 
>Margaret Lauterbach.  That's right, beware of Margaret for she can 
>wreck a perfectly innocent garden and destroy the life of innocent 
>gardeners.  I will tell you how she does it.
>She recommends varieties of plants, veggies in particular, that taste 
>good and grow well.  So you learn to trust her.  Then one day she 
>talks about this variety of zucchini that you've never grown but have 
>seen in a couple of catalogues -- zucchini costata romanesco.  She 
>tells you how wonderful the flavor is.  She suggests you plant it 
>because it is much better than other varieties of zucchinis.  You 
>plant it.  By mid-summer your entire backyard is covered in green 
>thighs and you find the bodies of your missing nephews who were stung 
>to death by the writhing vines.  You assume that you did something 
>wrong like show the plants a bag of fertilizer or, heavens, actually 
>tossed some in the general direction of the plants.
>Then you find out that Margaret didn't actually try this variety 
>herself.  But thanks for the information because now she knows better 
>than to plant it in her garden.
>Liz  :-p
Shucks, Liz, I did too grow that variety.  I only planted two hills.  I
think you planted 11.  You kept saying, "what if we have company?"  Margaret