At 06:48 AM 06-02-98 -0600, you wrote: > I'm currently suffering from a horrible cold and am trying something new - >to me, at least. I've read that taking echinaceae could help shorten the >length of time you have the cold. I'm also trying zinc lozens. Felt >pretty rotten all day yesterday, not as bad this morning, but could be >becasue I wentto bed at 7:30 last night! > Anyway, interested to know if anyone else had tried this remedy. >Barb >p.s. we leave Feb. 27th for the Philad Flower show. anyone in this group >going to be there? We will visit the flower show on tuesday, March 3 >Barb Rothenberger >Columbia, Mo, I have and I think I'd opt for large doses of Vit C - still - as a first defense. The jury is out on Ech. and likely to be for a long time. My neighbour says is works the best on her asthmatic 3 yr. old, and she has tried much. There are so *many* variants w/combos that it's hard to know what's what. Lucinda