At 11:30 pm CDST on April 17, 1998 the latest addition to the Shirley clan was born. Jordan Nelson Shirley weighed in at an even seven pounds even though she was three weeks early according to the ob. The proud parents are Ransome Lafayette Shirley and Mitzie Nelson Shirley of Houston, Texas. This was the only time I've been glad my son woke me up at midnight with a phone call. ;-) In celebration we're going nursery hopping today with my big sister. The orchid I wrote about yesterday is called "Walking" or "Drooping Iris" around here according to a lady Miz Anne talked to last night. Anne had taken an arrangement of Amaryllis and statice to the show opening at the art gallery and the lady had brought an arrangement of the orchids I had talked about. This gives me a starting point but does anyone have any ideas. George, "Big Daddy"