Re: [gardeners] Wildflowers

Catharine Vinson (
Sun, 19 Apr 1998 16:28:17 +0000

Pat (aka Mums <bg>) wrote:

> About those sage. Maybe what I need to do is have my native-born 
> Texan plant a few!  Pat

I'm bringing you the following sages this May:

Salvia lavenduifolia (Lavender-scented sage)
Salvia clevelandii (Cleveland Sage)
Salvia repens var. (Creeping Sage)
Salvia uglinosa (Bog Sage)

I'll dig the holes, if you guys will plant 'em. I figure 2 natives and 1 
Truly Sorry should guarantee they thrive.

I'll throw in a Jerusalem Sage, too. They are gorgeous when they bloom, 
and I have a BIG one that was accidently sent with a plant order. Won't do 
well here....I've managed to kill several of them.
