In the Texas Hill Country, the fireant reigns supreme. With their voracious appetites and breeding habit they have all but eradicated fleas, Lyme ticks, roaches, scorpions, and pillbugs. They have also bitten all residents -- four and two legge -- increased the sales of repellants, and contributed to the "Hill Country Salute" (a discreet scratching when one hopes he/she is unobserved!). A common subject of conversation hereabouts is therefore, "Does the fireant represent a blessing or a curse?" We can now, personally, add our experience to the debate. The fireant has conquered the squash! This morning, when making a fearful inspection to see what had transpired during the night, we found nothing! A blessed, happy, nothing. The dreaded plants were gone -- tops, roots, all. The fireants had ringed them, eaten them, and moved on to other targets. Only their mounds -- empty now -- marked the site. To celebrate our deliverance, we drove to Boerne to the Peaceful Habitation, a rose emporium with 100 varieties of antique rose. We bought a rose to place -- in honor and memorial -- where the squash had been. Rejoice with us. We are saved. Pat