Although I am never one to stir the pot <duck>, I feel driven to post the following and ask you all what you think. On first reading, I was shocked to see that it was written by an organization I have admired for many moons: TAMU. I may still be shocked, saddened, etc. But maybe they have a point and its only when we forget that they are saying that they are NOT RATING TASTE that tempers flare. For me, TASTE is everything when it comes to picking a variety. I would rather have *one* incredibly flavorful "Dinner Plate" tomato than a dozen "Celebrities." But then, I am not growing for A&P. Maybe what's bothering me is that TAMU is using the word "gardener" to describe agribusiness instead of "jest folks" like me who want to grow good FOOD, not commidity crops. Anyway, enough of my soapbox. Here's what TAMU says: ========================== "Texas Agricultural Extension Service horticulturists expect every gardener who selects our recommended varieties of tomatoes and peppers to harvest at least 15-30 pounds of marketable (quality) tomatoes per plant and at least 3-5 pounds of quality peppers per plant if the following cultural techniques are followed!! Concerning taste, consumer flavor preference is mostly determined by personal preference for component flavor ratios of a given vegetable. Some people love the Surefire flavor; others hate the flavor. Unfortunately, some of these folks with differing opinions are married so we are not saying whether a product tastes "good" or "bad". Now you have a chance to experience new wonders by the productive new vegetable varieties in Texas. These are listed and described below. If you don't enjoy the flavor, your neighbors probably will. " Catharine