Well, Bambi, it was my corn which disappeared when it was immature -- but that was 30 years ago. Today we have to contend with the darned rabbits! They chawed the lettuce right down to the cores -- but unlike that corn of yesteryear, sunuvagun if the heads aren't regenerating, and all new leaves are growing in!! No such luck with the snow peas -- they're gone. Was up at 5:00am this morning so I could prune my sick dogwood before the truck arrived with the recommended fungicide. By 7:30 I was so hot and soaking wet that I sent a message over the clouds down to George saying that now I really appreciate the conditions under which he has been laboring, for weeks. It ended up being 93* today, and I had to be outdoors -- what a killer.. and what's worse, Friday will reach 95*. Gosh, I'd rather any day wear my long johns than my bikini. Penny, NY _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]