Just went out and picked a nice sized cucuzzi and decided to cook it. Tried something a little different, put a couple of small anchos, chopped, in with it. Sliced cucuzzi, diced ancho, diced garlic, diced onion, little black pepper, little sesame oil, about a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in the TFal wok. Has just enough bite to it to make it interesting. May be to hot for Miz Anne, heh heh, means I get to eat it all. The sauce crock is slowly getting full. Several more days of chiles ripening and I will begin to let it cure. Right now it's about half full of crushed chiles and a clear white liquid. Touched the liquid with a toothpick and then touched the toothpick to my tongue to see how it was - took half a glass of milk to cool me off - and I don't even like milk. Bet that stuff is gonna be some kinda good on cornbread and beans when it's finished. George, fanning his mouth