Hey, Cousin Bub...I mean, Bam Bam: What are you doing, sittin' around with your teeth in your mouth? Speak up, girl! Old Cousin DeDe is havin' to do it all by herself, don'tcha know. Quivvie is hidin' 'cause she got herself a new fur coat. What kind o' fur? Well, it's a Lapin, whatever that is. Quivvie had a big old tear slide down his face, then he got into the coat closet. I hear muffled whimpering, but that's about it. Is a Lapin one o' them critters that stalks bigger animals than they are, then tries to kill 'em? Quivvie sure acts scared. I just hope it ain't no endangerous critter. Don't want no red paint splashed on me, nossir! Got me a new smock made out o'flour sacks. It's real fancy, with pockets an' ever'thing. A pocket for my pipe, an' a separate one for my 'baccy. If'n I accidental-like put my pipe away hot, at least it won't burn up my 'baccy. I got holes in my pocket o'the new smock already. Smocks is smart now. Makin' a comeback jest like them knee britches that golfer wore. They called "knickers," I think. Big blowsy blonde woman from England stopped by here last week and paid me to let her stay here overnight, and not to say nothin' to nobody. Well, a lot o'people stopped and asked had I seen her, and o'course I said no. One was a sheriff. Well, when I went to wake her up this mornin', there was a man in her bed, too. He took one look and skee-daddled. Looked a awful lot like Jimbo, boils on his bottom and all. She asked if I had any clean knickers, and I tole her I hadn't even seen any dirty ones for twenty years or more. She rolled her eyes around and vamoosed. Well, I got work to do outside. Gotta cut ole Pete 'fore he has any more young 'uns. Can't take care o' what he's got. 'Course I got to catch him first, so that's what I'll be doin' today, Cuz. So wake up, and keep ol' DeDe company for a while, eh? Cousin Hurrah Cane.