>Worked on this years batch of limed sweet pickles today. Will load the jars >and BWB the lot tomorrow afternoon. This old recipe is a favorite with our >family and was given to us by the elderly lady who lived behind us when we >were in our first house, some 33 years ago. Works equally well with green >tomatoes or cukes or zukes. Had to make some as the 97 batch is about gone. >Usually make 8-10 quarts and then sort of dole them out over the year. How about sharing the recipe, George? >Picked some cukes, some crowder peas, a few chiles, and a couple of cucuzzi >today. The lagenaria seed that Margaret sent me was planted and the plants >are now about 6 inches tall. If they grow like the cucuzzi did I'm gonna >have a whole fence covered with them. Lagenaria was a more vigorous grower for me than cucuzzi. The >Sunchokes, or, as we old timers call them, Jerusalem artichokes, are about >8 or 9 feet tall and doing well. Looking forward to a bumper harvest come >fall. George, we grew Jerusalem artichokes years ago. Chuck complained about the flatulence they caused, so I took them out. I was warned that I wouldn't be able to get rid of them, but I did by screening the soil. There are black, dead-looking runners in the soil. Close examination reveals a bright pink but tiny growth point. I liked them, myself. Maybe I don't recall the flatulence, or some among a lot. Margaret >