Senor Spartacus, also known as Sparty, finally caught a whiff of voles in the garden today. Only a wagging tail showed between the tomato vines. Since i was nearby, he got up his courage to wade through sweet potato vines in quest of prey, never imagining there might be something there he was afraid of. If there was, he didn't find it, but when he crossed the deck to come in the house he gave a wide berth to something, with his intact ears snapped forward (Sparty is a mixed breed, part Schnauzer and part terrier of some kind, ears and tail intact, cojones not). I asked Chuck if he could see what it was. "It's a large dragonfly," he answered. Whew! For a minute there, I thought Sparty was a goner. I don't think he caught a vole (just as he's not catching mice in the house), but I've known they were there because of their random nibbles on cucumbers. When he does catch them, two chews and swallow. Sometimes we see the tail disappearing as if someone's slurping spaghetti. I think they've taken some bites of tomatoes as well. Hornets are cruising through the tomatoes in search of tomato worm larvae small enough to provision their egg cells, but the supply is kaput, thanks to their predations. And today I saw a dragonfly cruising through the tomatoes in quest of cruising hornets. Will the circle be unbroken...and I heard, but haven't seen, the first of the winter birds. It's a flicker. Have been checking my chiles, especially those plants with red ones. Am I growing hot chiles? You betcha. I've found some very large and very dead grasshoppers who were so scorched they couldn't even take a flying leap for earth. Just died where they et. Marcelle would be so proud. Guess I'll walk through the room where the Denver Broncos (all rise) are playing and see what's on Victory Garden. Might even watch This Old House without That Old Man turning it on since the last two programs have actually been interesting. Normally I loathe that program because of one of the hosts (Steve). Have a wonderful rest of the weekend...Margaret, who actually got her greenhouse cleaned this weekend.