If any of you have been trying to contact me in the last thirty some odd hours I have been offline with a computer outage. Would you believe my brand new computer had two bad ram chips installed. Screwed up the register something fierce and had two techs working on it for several hours. Back up now and, so far, running smooth. Hurricane news: As most of you are probably aware now Georges went in well east of us. Suspect Harry Boswell and other members east of Louisiana along the coast got at least some rain if not the high winds and other damage. We feel very lucky here and had a New Orleans family staying with us Saturday, Sunday, and going home late yesterday. The east bound traffic on I10 is horrendous at this time and I'm sweating Miz Anne getting home from her Art League board meeting. Thanks to all for well wishes and I apologize for being out of contact so long. Welcome to all the new members who have signed up in the last 48 hours, looks to be about 20 or 30. George