Hi Penny, I never saw a reply to your question about your tomatos splitting. Usually it is related to water stress plus heat. You might be watering too much. Check your soil moisture about 4-6 inches deep. If it is moist do not water until it dries out a little. When the moist soil is only about 3 inches deep water again. I place a 3lb coffee can with the top and bottom cut out around my tomatos when I transplant. It helps with cut worms and protects against the wind. I leave the can around the plant all season. It makes a great way to water the plant. Just fill the can up to the top. The water will soak into the soil right at the plant, no run off no waste. I also put a tablespoon of fertilizer in the can about two weeks apart through the growing season. I got this method from my Dad. I had always removed the cans when the plant grew past the top of it. Another way that this helps in the spring, if I am going to get a late frost, I mulch up the outside of the can to the top and put mulch down inside the can to cover the plant. I use light weight materials for this like pine needles, hay, or dried leaves. I have used shredded newspaper inside the can if I don't have any light weight materials. I push the growing season a little early so that my garden will reach maturity before the heat gets bad. This past spring, my youngest son and I had to mulch several hundred potato plants, 100 tomato plants, and 2 dozen pepper plants in one day when we got a frost warning from the weather service. It took a lot of pine needles, but we didn't lose a single plant. Allen Bastrop Co.,Tx Zone 8