Penny catalogued: We have a huge finished basement which kept our five children busy many a moon ago.... There's a shuffleboard built in to the floor, and a hundred mat-framed Great Masters pinned on the walls. There's even a 15 x 30 room in the corner which houses the HO model railroad we built some 40 years ago, and a parallel work shop for Jimmie's huge tool collection. It has 150 cigar boxes, 40 coffee cans, 40 orange juice cans, and 30 Pepsi cartons, all labelled and entered on the computer data base which hangs on the wall.... <SNIP> And from out of nowhere I see that we have a stack of 20ft lumber, two bikes (from other daughters), an emergency lawn mower, extra lengths of garden soakers, a cyclone spreader, several ancient computers, 3 vacuum cleaners Jim picked up at curbside, and the bi-weekly bagged newspaper collection waiting for pick-up. <SNIP> and all that stuff has to be cleared out of there one, two, three, because I want to sell the house!" As far as I'm concerned, the inside will get spick and span once more Just a suggestion, Penny, but you might want to consider sharing your good fortune in having so much of value that you don't use with people who don't have lawn mowers, computers, vacuum cleaners, duplicate tools, 50 framed Great Masters, HO model railroads, etc., etc. The Salvation Army, your communities churches, shelters for battered women and children, etc. would be happy to help you in your effort to get the inside of your house "spick and span once more." And since your husband keeps it all catalogued in a database you can easily determine the value of your kindness to those less fortunate for a tax deduction in case that's important to you. Catharine