This afternoon, the weather was perfect, in the upper 60's and dry (of course). Recently, the local weather man was explaining why we weren't getting the normal amount of rain from the clouds that had been floating around. Seems that our humidity had dropped to such low levels that the droplets couldn't form as they normally would. Our humidity was all the way down to 75%. :-) Anyway, I finally got the second of my light frames done to go over my plants that I've moved indoors. My previous method was flat out ugly and didn't work very well. But it was better than nothing, and all I had at the time, as there was no way that I could afford to buy the light frames that I've seen on the market! $300 will buy *a lot* of plants!! After I finished the first frame, and got the lights on it, my DH who is completely non-gardening, even commented that I needed to make another one for the other plant shelf! I was astounded! I still have to paint it before I bring it in, but I'll do that this week, and put it in place. I had a truckload of mulch delivered recently, but wasn't home when it was delivered. Sadly, the driver had dumped it on top of a Sum and Substance hosta and a Royal Standard hosta. I got that part of the mulch pile moved today also. I then went out and shot basketball with the kids, and played with them for a while. Had a great afternoon, but I'm waiting for my middle child to get home from Parris Island, where she's gone on a trip with my mother. I feel rather out of sorts like a brood hen who can't get her babies all under her wings. Hope all are doing well and that life is good for you too. :-) Bambi--Coastal Carolina USDA zone 8; AHS Heat zone 8; Sunset zone 31