I've begun the annual process of dealing with the leaves of the second-largest red oak in Mississippi (certified), which overhangs my front yard. I've mowed the first two waves back into the yard. Now I'm mulching them to add to some perennial beds. I could add anywhere from 0" to 24" over the entire bed, and still have some left over (no exaggeration). But my question is, assuming I add, say, 6-8" over the bed as a mulch and sheet compost layer, should I add something else to offset the oak leaves? In the forest, you just get layers of leaves, but then the leaves aren't falling on sunny flower and veggie beds. Would this amount of leaves change the pH significantly? Or overload on one nutrient? Thanks, Harry Harry Boswell hboswell@netdoor.com USDA Zone 8 (Mississippi USA) Home Page: http://www2.netdoor.com/~hboswell