Re: [gardeners] gardeners Digest V1 #384

penny x stamm (
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 02:05:34 -0500

Hi, Mary-Anne, 

27* or 28* is considered v-e-r-y cold even here. We usually
don't get snow for Christmas - not until January, altho once 
in awhile we get lucky. But once it comes, it's cold. 

Our usual snow storm count is probably 3 a winter. Four or
five winters ago we experienced a Winter From Hell, so
labeled because we actually had 18 snow storms! Only human 
being who was thrilled was my hubby, who cannot get enuff of
old-fashioned snow shoveling. Of course, last winter we only
got one storm, and he was devastated... We both adore winter
in its turn, and therefore, even tho I would like to garden in zone 7,
we remain here -- and even make noises about selling the big 
house and moving northwards to Connecticut, zone 5. Time will

The only way to test your special plants would be to dig one up, 
and inspect to see if the entire root system has turned to mush.
If the bottom and roots look at all alive, I would make an effort to
bring them in to the greenhouse, or wherever you normally would 
winter them. If it's a no-go, then you will have to shed your tears,
take your licking and start all over next season. 

I wish you the best of luck! BTW, I know that the Santa Anas are
blowing up the coast -- do they reach as far as you?  We got caught
one year driving West from L.A. in an emergency, and we thought 
that the car might be picked up and hurled off the road... Powerful
stuff, that wind.

Penny, NY zone 6     

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