I want to have a herb patch this year. All I've done in the past as far as herbal endeavors went was to plant some chives and parsley. I need suggestions that will flourish in central Mississippi, are easiest to grow, and easiest to do something with once they're grown. I have a roughly 4'x4' box that was a sandbox, but now that Kristen has disobeyed me and grown up some (I told her to stay 4, but she wouldn't mind me), she no longer wants a sandbox (she wants Spice Girls CDs, but that's another story). I can use this for my herb garden, if that's where they'd be happiest, and I can put it anywhere in my garden I want. So, it can go in shade, part shade, full blazing sun, easy to water, don't care about water, any of the just-named locations. Or, I can use that box for something else, like Giant Mutant Squashoids, if the herbs aren't rambunctious (i.e., invasive). I know I've asked this before, but I think this year I may really do the herbal thing. Harry Harry Boswell hboswell@netdoor.com USDA Zone 8 (Mississippi USA) Home Page: http://www2.netdoor.com/~hboswell