All I can tell you about is what works for me here in USDA Zone 9b. My herbs grow on a slope on the south side of the carport, get full sun from about 11 am on until sunset. Oregano, both Greek and Spanish grows well there as does French lavender. Also have winter savory, English thyme, French thyme, Mexican Mint Marigold, chamomile (reseeds annually as does the Epazote and the Feverfew), French sorrel, chives, garlic chives, basil grows exceedingly well there. Borage did pretty good, Florence fennel (bulbing) was a flop, bronze fennel has one stunted survivor, lovage was a total failure. Leaf celery does pretty good but this year I'm putting it in the shade of the lemon tree and think it will do better. There's probably some I forgot but those are the herbs that grow well for me. I grow Puerto Rican and Cuban oregano in the shade, they seem to do better there. Whoops, almost forgot the rosemary, it's rapidly becoming a good-sized shrub and thrives on neglect. George Harry Boswell wrote: > I want to have a herb patch this year. All I've > done in the past as far as herbal endeavors went > was to plant some chives and parsley. I need > suggestions that will flourish in central > Mississippi, are easiest to grow, and easiest > to do something with once they're grown. > I have a roughly 4'x4' box that was a sandbox, > but now that Kristen has disobeyed me and > grown up some (I told her to stay 4, but > she wouldn't mind me), she no longer wants > a sandbox (she wants Spice Girls CDs, but that's > another story). I can use this for my herb > garden, if that's where they'd be happiest, > and I can put it anywhere in my garden I > want. So, it can go in shade, part shade, > full blazing sun, easy to water, don't care > about water, any of the just-named locations.