Miz Anne and I both had to go off to make some bean money this morning so a beautiful morning was wasted with real work. About 2 pm she got home and I had finished my paperwork so we went out to play in the garden. Moved some of the stuff out of the greenhouse and I finished the block walk down the middle of it. Thursday I will take the weed eater to the tall grass growing on either side of the walk and begin to put the river gravel inside for drainage, about 2 or 3 inches worth I hope. A local contractor gave me about two yards of gravel, about 1 to 2 inch size, rather than haul it back to his laydown yard. With the use of my friends pick-em-up truck we managed to get it into the backyard. I finally found some nastursium seed and planted the octagonal tiles I had set upright in one corner of the herb garden. While I was doing that I discovered that last years feverfew - drought killed - had managed to set some seed as volunteers are up, at least three, maybe four. The volunteer basil is up about two inches now and the volunteer chamomile is about four inches in diameter and two high. Started pulling the extra epazote (a lot) and putting it in the trash can. A friend wanted some so I potted him three or four. He will start it in a fence corner and if it grows well I will discard all of mine and go pick his, he has 10 acres to play with. <VBG> I repotted a small loquat that has been promised to another friend and as soon as the volunteer sassfras tree in the herb garden finishes leafing out I will pot it for him. Went over just before dark thirty and pruned another friends Ein Shemer apple tree he recently planted. It was nursery grown and had not been previously pruned for maximum production. Had to use the step ladder as it is about 10 feet tall already, will probably bear next year. It has been another good day in a pretty good life. Hope all are looking forward to spring and that our Ozzie friends are looking forward to winter. George