Hi George and all, How's every body doing with the preparation, planting, etc.? We have half of our 1/2 acre planted and are working on getting ready to do some more planting 3-2. The real busy time is going to be around 3-17 when nearly everthing that is commonly planted in gardens goes in. So far we have potatos, carrots, lettuce, turnips, dill and mustard comming up. We also planted onions, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli from sets and transplants. We will also plant several varieties of hot and sweet peppers, and tomatos, corn, squash, beans, cucumbers, okra, canteloupes, watermelon, etc. Got some pepper plants today. Finally found Big Bertha Bell which did so good last year even with the drought. Just found this in the "drafts" saved file so I thought I 'd send it along. Allen Bastrop Co.,Tx.