George Soil solarization may work below the Mason Dixon Line but I can't make it work here. I would be glad to hear of any good ideas.. But. The third previous El-NiƱo I had root-knot nematodes. One method for control was soil solarization. The way I understood it, the soil temp must get above 160F for this to work, The best I got was on a 100F day under black plastic was 105F. The next year I put some fresh horse manure, in a black plastic barrel, covered the top of the barrel with black plastic, stuck a compost thermometer in the pile. I got 127F. the temp of the horse manure as a max. Then some said "Oh you got to keep it wet" Tried again next year, same thing. Then some said "You need clear plastic" Tried again the next year, not any difference I could see. Using black plastic to control weeds, It may not do the heat, but the lack if sunlight for germination and growth may do the trick There's a lot of little used black barrel composters around here for sale or just sitting behind the barn .