Re: [gardeners] Re Ditch rescue

George Shirley (
Sat, 03 Apr 1999 10:08:09 -0600

inanda wrote:

> resent due to bad typing of address
> > Hi George,
> >
> > 1. Please take closeup photos of your rescued iris blooms.  Could be that
> > HIPS (Historical Iris Preservation Society would be interested.  Can't
> > find e-mail address at the mo but will.

Will probably have to wait until they bloom next year to take pictures as they have been trimmed for transplant

> > 2.  the Archives of Iris-L (found on mallorn)  have been chatting lately
> > (tongue in cheek chatting) about the best way to get rid of surplus iris.
> >  Best way seems to be hurling them out of moving vehicles -names attached(?)

They're welcome to drop me an e-message and I'll pay postage on those I don't have already. We sorta lean
toward the Louisiana beardless iris and they tend to mutate into a variety of colors over the years. We just
had an iris a friend gave us bloom, opened fully this morning. It's a beautiful dark lavender with a white and
gold throat, it's bearded but so pretty it will get to stay. Currently the bronze are done blooming as is the
white and the pale lavender to dark purples are starting to fade away. An almost white with a lavender throat
that bloomed last year didn't bloom this year so I'm not sure it didn't die out on us. The new one is red so we
hope it blooms that color again next year.

> > 3.  You mean to tell us that amaryllis has escaped and grows wild around
> > you?  Amazing.

The common red amaryllis with a flower about 4 inches wide has escaped here and grows in many places. It is our
practice to look in the road ditches as we drive around in hopes of finding plants we don't have. Lots of folks
here have tossed unwanted plants over their fences and they get in the ditches and our periodic heavy rains
with flooding tend to wash things down slope. Naked ladies, spider lilies, cannas, callas, amaryllis, day
lilies, iris, all are found in ditches here.>

> > Ginny in Prince George BC, watching snow piles s-l-o-w-l-y shrinking.and flakes dropping out of sky today
