Re: [gardeners] New trees

Jane Burdekin (
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 05:09:39 -0600

Hi David, 
Your new trees sound great, I have never heard of a Blue Spanish Fir, will
you be posting a picture on your site. 


> We went to yet another nursery, and came home with and Abies pinsapo
> 'Glauca' -- Blue spanish fir.  It's a sort of odd looking thing, but
> Marjorie said she wanted it, and they told us it grew slowly, and not too
> big, so we got it.  I'm pretty sure it'll be the only one in the
> neighborhood.  The big AHS book says it tolerates dry, alkaline soil --
> ours is clayey and I think tends to the acid side -- I wonder if that's a
> problem.
> We also got a weeping cherry.  They're really common around here, but I
> like them.  We did get a white one instead of the really common pink. 
> bottom of this one has really pretty, shiny red-brown bark, too.  It'll
> over by the tree peonies.
> A most pleasant evening!
> David