Re: [gardeners] Sawzall

Allen Breland (
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:32:10 -0500

Byron, thanks for the info about the sawzall. Now I know what you're
talking about and having read the posts I've received.
Have you had problems with yellow squash and zuccini(sp) dropping of the
bush and /or just not fully developing-small fruit. Initially the fruit
were great-full size, but now I have alot of male blooms and almost no
female for fruit and the older leaves are turning brown. There are alot
of new leaves extending far from the root ball and some small fruit
developing. I'm a beginner and I'm sure it shows, so I need alot of info
to help keep things growing. Could it be the heat or/and the himidity?
The rest of my veg. garden is florishing.