Re: [gardeners] July 4th

Jane Burdekin (
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:05:34 -0600

Hi Margaret,
I don't remember the story from last year, so it was good to tell it.  What
a wonderful story, I can just picture it.  We spent Fri - today up at our
land in the middle of Colorado and I can relate to the scenery you painted
in the story.   It was really dry up at our land but the temps were great,
similar to your Boise weather, 45 this morning when we got up.  My iris up
there look good, one even must have had a flower as there was a bitten off
stalk.  Our 110 trees are looking good, even most of the 30 aspen, thank
goodness it rained almost every day in June.  Our rainbarrels were even
full.  The flowers were tremendous this weekend, there were 2 kinds of
yellow flowers, white, about 5 different kinds, pinks, purples, blues,
oranges and reds.  The Indian paintbrush were out in force.  We saw on our
land, mountain bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadees, pigmy
nuthatches,crows, blackbirds, and of course the night hawk was there.  
What a wonderful weekend, as George says, life is good.   


> I have a perception that I told the same July 4th story last year. Sorry
> about that.  Margaret L