Re: [gardeners] Ornamental Sweet Potato

Linda Baranowski-Smith (
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:19:56 -0400

Thanks to all who participated in the ornamental sweet potato chat.
However, must be that no one has eaten the 'taters from this cultivar.  I
may have to be the first.  If you don't hear from me after Thankgiving...
well, they've gotta be okay to eat, right?

Oh, Marie, you are right about the pricy Sweet Potato Vine in Park Seed...
3 plants for $17.95 in a 3" pots (=$5.98 per plant plus S&H).  Geez, we
sold them locally for $1.50 per 4" pot.  It was a trial plant for us this
year.  I always plant a few of what we sell for the first time so that we
can be better informed on the plant's performance over our season.  I have
to admit I was pleased with the ground cover and draping performance.  I
didn't realize how far the runners of one plant would travel  and so now I
know to suggest spacing them (for ground cover) at least 3' apart.

We learn so many interesting things from our customers and this plant was
no exception.  One lady, an African American, told us how her native
culture uses the leaves for cooking, in much the same way one would use
spinach.  Another man (I think he was Japanese), told us they use the
emerging green leaves of this 'Blackie' cultivar for special salads.  I
asked for recipies and was promised some, but then people don't always
remember.  No one, however, mentioned knowing about the tubers.  Surprise,

Linda in NW Ohio near Toledo/Lake Erie, USDA Zone 5