Re: [gardeners] Hello

George Shirley (
Fri, 07 Jan 2000 11:37:14 -0600

margaret lauterbach wrote:
> <snip>
> >I like to put out good-sized seedlings so generally start my seeds on
> >January 15th under lights. Now that we have a greenhouse we will harden
> >them off in there.
> >
> >Again, welcome to gardeners.
> >
> >George
> >
> I'd like to welcome the gardeners too. George, when I "harden off" plants,
> I'm acclimating them to outdoors. How do you harden off plants inside the
> greenhouse? Margaret L

Turn the heat off and just protect the plants from extreme cold. Plus by
mid-February it heats up enough to open the door, plants are still
protected from cold winds and get adequate heat to grow but not enough
of either heat or cold to kill them. Different strokes for folks in warm

George, in 70F SW Louisiana