Allen, it got worse... Was 3 degreees above when we woke up this morning, and the wind was rattling both the storm windows and all the closed doors.. Our winds only got to 40 mph, not like what they had on the west coast, but I believe that gale force winds start at 35 mph, so you can judge for yourself. At least we did not lose power! There is, however, something goofy in the house heating system. We have not changed the thermostat, but I am sitting here in front of the computer with two hunting shirts and a left knitted glove on! There's an impossible iced cold draft bouncing off the back wall, and I'm frozen! We have one local garden nursery that has about a dozen bird feeders hanging near the parking area. The birds pay no attention to the cars and people.... Interestingly, we have one daughter who is a Kate Smith type in stature, and she sashayed in here today wearing a sweater.>>! Normally in winter she wears nothing extra to go back and forth to the car. She just keeps a sweater inside the car, in case of car breakdown -- and I'll bet she put it on today just so I would not rag her -- for at long last, we were celebrating Christmas! Jimmie and I seem well enuff now to reenter the human world. Six weeks was just too much. Penny, NY ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: