Penny, thanks for forwarding the comments on the Zephirine Drouhin. I just planted six of them and I will now stand back and see what happens. Pauline >Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 17:52:57 -0500 From: penny x stamm <> Subject: [gardeners] roses Pauline, another word of caution on planting those ZD roses: ...................... Penny, I've got four ZD's in my garden. In coastal South Carolina, mildew will be a problem - tell her to plant them where there is plenty of air circulation. And, yes, as everyone says, plant them now. ZD takes a year to establish. Then, if she's happy, she'll bloom like gangbusters. Being a Bourbon, her heaviest blooms will be spring and fall, but mine always have a blossom or two - and oh! the fragrance! One more thing: Tell her to give them plenty of room because of the mildew! Pat K., eastern Pennsylvania, garden expert .................................