At 10:41 AM 2/8/2000 -0600, you wrote: >Ann, Margaret, Seana, >We have fresh seed (packed for 2000) in Missouri, too. > >Margaret, why assume the employees were lying? Maybe the people at the >store who take care of the seed order arranged for the seed to be delivered >in Feb., and it won't come any sooner for that reason. Maybe Ann's favorite >nursery orders from a different company, with ship dates that aren't the >same as other companies. Whatever, there are several possibilities to >consider before accusing people of lying. > >In hindsight, if Ann wants to plant peas next year, maybe she should mail >order the seed ahead of time, just to be sure. > >--Kathy in Missouri, zone 5, clear and warm > Because garden center people have lied to me. I asked why they didn't carry milled sphagnum moss, and they gave me a long lecture that it wasn't available west of the Mississippi, blah, blah, blah. Had to use Captan to counteract damping off. I went to another garden store in Boise (same town), and bought a bag, then to another garden store and bought another bag. I don't trust the people in the first garden store any more. They were lying to cover their own oversight. Margaret L