Hi Penny, Sweet Corn has been improved so much in the last 20 years or so. Dent corn has had great improvements made to it in the last 50 years. The old open pollinated dent corn varieties would have a single ear per stalk. Some stalks would just be fodder, no ears at all. Some stalks would have only a nubbin or two. My grandfather would be amazed if he could see the modern corn varieties. We have a belt of blackland farms on the back roads from Bastrop to Round Rock. The grain farms are the kind that stretch from the roadside to the horizon. I marvel at the low number of corn stalks that are not the exact height of thousands and thousands of others. The Milo fields are the same way. My grandfather's corn and Milo fields were a mixture of heights. Grandpa's fields were harvested by hand not by machine. Judy gets a kick out of seeing the mechanical harvesters and pickers shooting the cotton, corn, Milo, etc. into trucks and trailers. Allen Bastrop Co., SE Central Tx.