Had a couple of nice rain showers today and one downright deluge. Spent a good part of the day cleaning my kitchen and while I was at it I baked a nice loaf of rye and currently have a loaf of black bread in the bread machine. Found a really good bread machine recipe book at our library and I have been busy making the best sounding loaves in the book. So far I haven't been disappointed. If you're interested the author is Beth Hensperger and the book title is "The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook." Originally cost $32.95 according to the jacket cover but I found it for $26.95 at Amazon.com so ordered one today. Also ordered two copies of the Seventies cult classic SF movie, "Dark Star." My son and I loved that film while we were in Saudi Arabia and literally wore out a video of it. So, while on Amazon.com, I ordered a copy for each of us. Now I find out if any of my grandchildren have inherited my sense of humor when I show them this film. Made in someone's backyard in Houston, TX with a bare minimum of props, it is hilarious and provided some inside jokes for later generation films. On top of a good day our twenty year old convection microwave oven crapped out today. Started making strange noises and wouldn't heat anything. Guess the "radar" bulb in it went out. Will take it in to see if it can be fixed tomorrow. Checked on the Sharp web page and found a replacement that is carried by one of our local dealers. Comes in black, white-on-white, and stainless but will probably have to get the dealer to order the stainless version. That one sounds easier to clean up even though it will stand out in our seventies style kitchen. I bought that oven in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia in June 1981 and it has only ever hiccuped once and that only cost 48 bux to fix. Hope this time it's as easy to repair. It's hard to find a microwave with an oven capacity of 1.6 cubic feet. Cooked lots of holiday turkeys in that thing, it's like a member of the family. Mandatory garden content: I really like the Savoy Express cabbage we're growing this year. Heads only get up to about 1.5 lbs and are just right for a two-person meal with no leftovers. The chard is eating size now and will get a working over tomorrow. I am pleased to report that my Florence Fennel is bulbing. Been trying to grow that stuff for three years and it's finally growing right. Planted some more radishes yesterday and, with the rain, they should be up in a couple of days. I'm planning the spring garden already and will have a seed order in via internet to Pinetree and Burpee by tomorrow for the few seeds I "really" need. The grow stand in my office will get all the junk cleaned off of it tomorrow and the lights tested. Will also sanitize all my seed starting equipment and get it ready. Still have to get some more seed starting medium so will make the rounds of the stores tomorrow to see what's there. The new car needs to take on some gardening smells and a few bags of potting soil should work. <BG> Gotta go fix my working wife a nice meal so see you later. George