I had trouble with racoons for a while, before some trees down below me were cut down, and more activity around there. I got desperate enough to buy a big trap, caught some and drove a long ways away, 30 miles or so and opened the cage and the poor creature was so afraid that he didn't even dare to get out. I had to shake him out. I also tried to release him, far away from my place, but near homes where sprinklers were running==in case it was thirsty. I knew it could find some way around for shelter, a new home maybe. Actually there is a kind of a "thread" of land that goes around in a sort of far and away circle, so the animals caught here eventually come back to the same place somehow. I get so angry with creatures upsetting my garden, but have to keep reminding me they don;t understand and anyway God made them too. Gaye Stanton wrote: > I hope this hasn't been discussed recently & I missed it but I have a friend > who is having a terrible time with raccoons. We went plant shopping > yesterday & she planted her new plants & when she got up this am the > raccoons had dug them all up. Had left her other plants alone & only dug > the new ones up. As I live in town I have never had that problem so I am at > a loss as to what to advise her. Any ideas for my disgusted & disgruntled > gardening friend? > TYIA, > > gaye > E. TN z6 -- Bargyla Rateaver http://home.earthlink.net/~brateaver