making bread is simple for me---had to make enough for 20 people while I grew up in Madagascar and had to stay with a crowd of kids while my parents were in a far outlying place. The only time in my life when I was popular was when it was MY turn to do the week's baking for 20 kids. I loved to make all kinds of things that one day. They liked my baking, only. and we had wheat flour from Australia. and made our own yeast in a bottle of which the cork was tied down until Sat night when we set the bread for the week. I would not need a kneading machine or such, but today and here the cost of electricity to run the oven for an hour would make the bread so expensive. Cheaper to buy, I think, and the health food stores have what seems to be good bread, the real kind--but it costs nearly $3 a loaf. If Ithought I could save money doing it myself, I would, but so far it has not seemed economical. And ----now---alone, does not seem worth the effort. Tell me what YOU think. ---------------------. wrote: > Most 'wheat breads', those brown versions of the white loaf are just > darker because the mfg has added molasses to turn it brown. They > can get away with 'wheat bread' on the label because all bread, > more or less, is a wheat product. Read labels carefully and > compare the good stuff to the known troublemakers, and you may > see there is very little difference between the two. > Now that even the plainest breads are $1.50 and up for a loaf, it > makes owning a bread machine look like a better idea. To make > this garden related, if you do use a machine, you can make pizza > dough or rolls in the thing, just pull them out and shape them by > hand sometime after the machine has done the mixing, kneading > and rising. Adding your home grown herbs to the dough and you > can eliminate much of the salt and sweeteners found in the > 'boughten' varieties. > martha -- Bargyla Rateaver