Hello, again, Penny, Pelargoniums are often very perverse creatures. Last fall, I very carefully made cuttings of our favorite regals, bought sterilized potting soil, perlite, mixed it with local soil and a bit of sand. Sterilized the knife after each cutting. Every bloomin' one of them croaked! I had run out of pots and stuck a few stems in the ground, out between the mandarin and blood orange and ignored them all during the cooler months. Come spring, they all blossomed forth and are about 3 feet high! An observation on your geraniums and the compost pile. It is likely that the heat of decomposition kept them just warm enough to survive the winter. Sometimes when we go out to our compost bin in the "winter," I am amazed to see condensation on the outside of the barrel, feel the heat when opening the lid, and surprised to see the occasional mango seed that has germinated (!). Speaking of people staying away in droves, the phones at our office have virtuallly stopped ringing. Yesterday, it felt as if I were working in an undiscovered cave:( Well, it's out to give the roses another dose of Orthene, in the hope of saving about a hundred dollars worth of new roses, plus the lovely ones we aleady had. Ron