I have an awful weed (about a trillion zillion of them) growing in the goat lots, horse fields, etc. Anywhere you stir the soil these things pop up. I call them Jimson Weed's evil cousin. They're a form of datura but not the big angel trumpet flowers. They have little white quarter-sized flowers and the plant is covered in thorns, even the underside of the leaves have thorns. They're awful! Goats nor anything else will touch them, but the true angel's trumpet (Jimson Weed) the goats will devour. I can't tell if they get high from the experience,they're nutty goats after all. Moonflowers: I grew these in Houston when I was a teenager and the seeds are almost bean or pea sized and black. You have to either abrade them or soak them before they sprout and one vine will cover a big porch. The leaves are huge and flowers are saucer sized but don't have the 'trumpet' stem portion like Jimson weed. The first hint of cold and they wilt away leaving a big ugly dead messy vine. Mine reseeded with a white seed and they were infertile so maybe the plant needs 2 to pollinate? Morning glory has heart shaped leaves but it's a small leaf compared to moonflowers. Little known fact: Morning glory root is made into an essential oil called 'High John The Conqueror', and is a wonderfully floral scent. (I use it in a lot of my milk soaps.) The stuff runs about $12 per 1/4 oz, I always feel so guilty when I pull the vines up! martha