My method will work anywhere - I hook up a line to the back of my car, a chain or a rope depending on the thing I'm trying to move, hook it up around the tree or shrub and then pull it out with my car. This works with most anything except big stumps. Actually, I've often used this when I want to transplant something big - and haven't really had any transplant fail. Of course, I don't attempt to transplant the things that obviously won't make it. The first time I used this method, I was trying to dig up a fairly big Young's weeping birch. The roots went on forever and I finally asked my husband to help. He took a look at it, got the chain and hooked up and pulled it out - ripping the long roots apart. I was speechless with horror. However, in a snit, I went ahead and planted it in its destination spot and I don't think the thing even lost any leaves. Except those scraped off as we pulled it across the driveway. Radical, but it works. Teressa in NW Washington