On 10/23/01 12:43 AM, Shantihhh@aol.com (Shantihhh@aol.com) said: >I have found Neem to be quite a boon at keeping my whiteflies under control >in my garden. My hanging fuschia's were plaqued. Even better are those products that contain imidacloprid. Ther are bayer products at places like Home Depot that contain this. ..................................................... If you like tropical plants like hibiscus, please see: <http://www.trop-hibiscus.com> ..................................................... Why do so many people use their turnsignals: when theyıre already halfway into the next lane, when their lane ONLY goes left or right, when theyıre 4 intersections before their turn? Doesnıt make much sense if you think about it. .....................................................