Re: [gardeners] whiteflies

T.L.Miller (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 05:22:43 -0400

On 10/23/01 12:43 AM, ( said:

>I have found Neem to be quite a boon at keeping my whiteflies under control 
>in my garden.  My hanging fuschia's were plaqued.

Even better are those products that contain imidacloprid. Ther are bayer 
products at places like Home Depot that contain this.

If you like tropical plants like hibiscus, please see:
Why do so many people use their turnsignals:
when theyıre already halfway into the next lane,
when their lane ONLY goes left or right,
when theyıre 4 intersections before their turn?
Doesnıt make much sense if you think about it.