Margaret, > Do you then plant pot and all? I've considered it for stuff that > hates transplanting such as watermelons, but decided >instead to use berry baskets lined with coffee filters. Then >plant the whole thing. You've now given me another great idea! Yesterday I watched a waiter with a bottle of Windex and a package of large coffee filters cleaning all the doors in the I-Hop Restaurant we were in .... Obviously, necessity is indeed the mother of invention. I've only tried to grow watermelons once. I actually bought two starters and planted them in a hill. Plenty of room around, plus all-day sunshine and daily watering. They produced one melon each which grew nicely for about 4 weeks -- and then one day I found them yellowed, and two days later they had rotted. Did not try again. Penny, NY . ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: