Re: [gardeners] Tomatomania in L.A.

Ron Hay (
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 08:08:25 -0800

Hello, Janni,

We have had very cool weather here in Los Angeles, as well, cool and
DRY. This week we are only in the 60s with lots of dense fog on the
coast and thick overcast here in the San Fernando Valley which does not
clear until after noon, only to reappear about 4 p.m.

We have also had the least rain during our rainy season than at any time
since 1953. Thank goodness the snowpack in the Sierra is almost normal,
this year, as that is where LA gets over 50% of its water.

This weird weather is not exactly helping our roses: many of them have
become "mildew magnets," as a friend of ours puts it.

Here's hoping things "normalize" bit. With our luck, we will be socked
with the prophesied El Nino next rainy season!
