Anne, your weather problem is worse than ours, even if we are currently under water. My daughter in Chicago watches her back yard fill up and become a lake in every storm, inspite of having installed a big drainage pipe. The height of her exasperation came when she woke up and saw the mated pair of ducks swimming across her lawn --- and they have returned whenever the rains come down heavily. If you count the rabbits and the squirrels which eat the tops of everything in sight, and the ducks in the rain, I am amazed that she has the fortitude to replant that garden each spring. I think I would pave it with cement~! I do admire you and DH for doing all that daylily transplanting... I'm sure that they will appreciate the move. Penny, NY . ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: