I'm telling you Ranchmama, she hasn't touched a thing. A real angel! And when you smile at her and say good morning, she smiles back and lifts her paw for you to shake. As you, I just cannot understand why someone wouldn't want her. She seems a little afraid to play as if someone would start out playing with her, and then beating the hell out of her. It's very odd behavior. I hope I can raise her comfort zone with playing. -- Chat with you later... Alan ----- Chandler, Arizona Sunset Zone: 13 http://www.GardenersCorner.com ----- Alan Zelhart gizmoaz@cox.net Gardens Co-listowner http://www.gardenerscorner.com/notes.html ----- "If I were here more often, I wouldn't be gone so much""" bsk wrote: >Beautiful dogs! Can't believe someone would take them to the pound to be >killed! Ain't nothing wrong with that dog! It ain't broke! I guess it is a >shade better than dumping in the country for the coyotes to finish off but >the pound ain't much better. > Have fun and I just hope she doesn't rearrange those lovely flowers I >saw in the picture. > >Ranchmama >Okie zone 7a > > > > >