Beautiful day with lots of sunshine but fairly cold out. We're experiencing what we hope is the last cold spell of the year, supposed to be 39F tomorrow morning, brrr! Azalea blooms are about done but the iris are really blooming now. We're waiting for the red LA iris in the front to bloom, there are several bloom stalks and they should be opening by tomorrow. The bronze, purple, lavender, and yellow LA iris are all blooming and are beautiful. A few poppies have opened up but many are still growing so we're waiting for those too. The fruit trees are still abloom and the pear is starting to set fruit as are the mayhaws. The peach is still blooming strongly and we have high hopes for peaches this year. Alas, the pluot and it's mate, a Bruce plum, bloomed a week apart this year, so probably no plums or pluots for us. The loquat fruit are getting larger and we look forward to our first, small, crop from that tree. Miz Anne harvested a bucket of carrots this morning and I will be vacuum sealing them in bags for the freezer shortly. Many more are there to be pulled. The main garden, unfortunately, is still too wet to till but with the wind that has been blowing since Friday it should dry out soon barring another rainstorm. We had to close the greenhouse again yesterday as the cool air and the high winds would soon dessicate the tender seedlings in there. Life is good. George