Woke up at 0500 to a light rain falling which put the quietus on planting the spring garden this morning. By noon it had stopped and the garden is rapidly surface drying so tomorrow I should be able to plant and mulch. Miz Anne went off with the Altar Society ladies this morning to a museum in Houston to see the Treasures of the Vatican so it has been pretty quiet around here. Suited me fine as I have a full-bore allergy attack going on, seems the pine trees are doing their annual thing and pollenating. Just came in from walking around the place and the blueberries are setting fruit, the boysenberries are in full bloom, the mayhaws have set fruit as has the peach. The peach has fruit about the size of the first joint of my thumb and I sure hope we get some of them this year. The Fuyu persimmon has tiny blooms and is loaded with them. I have the same hope for it as I do for the peach. Unfortunately my pluot and its pollenator bloomed a week apart this year so no fruit that I can find on them at all. The pear is self-pollenated but I see no fruit from the many blooms on that one either. The fig hasn't started blooming yet but it won't be long. The chile and tomato starts in the greenhouse are blooming, good thing I start plants in gallon containers has the soil is just now reaching 70F or better. 79F ambient this afternoon, looks like we will go directly from winter to summer here again. Talked to my lovely daughter on the telephone today and she and her children and grandchild are doing well. We will be going over there for Easter and then again the week after for the eldest granddaughters confirmation, she is an adult convert to our church and we are her grandparents. When asked what she wanted for a confirmation gift she asked for something she won't get - a car. Ah, to be 16 years old again and with big expectations. Life is good. George